Im Back!!!! YAYYYY!!!!

Hey guys!! Its me again. I havent talken to u guys since like March 2012. So I just wanted to how u guys r doing and yah. So anyways, I think I will be posting some new pics and some new posts since summer is beggining and school is over in like 1 week for me so i wont have to worry about any finals or tests and will be on my website more often. Well, anyways, thats all for today. TTYL guys. And remember, if anything, just post a comment or questions and i will answer them. You can also send me questions on my email. kk bye guys.


Hey guys! Whats up? Long time no TALK!! Lol!! So I havent put up any more posts lately besides this one because recently, ive been very very bizzy! ( just saying, I wrote bizzy wrong by purpose.). Anyways, so yah. Just because I havent been posting anymore posts, doesnt mean u cant look at my website. BTW i have to go now….AGAIN!!LOL very very bizzzzy…!!!…so plzz post a comment on this post if u have any questions or requests of what u want me to do next for my website and i will try my best to fullfill. IT WAS SO NICE SPENDING THIS LITTL TIME I HAD TALKING AND CHATTING WITH U GUYS!!! GTG bye guys. ill keep in touch with u soon! and remember to comment or request and on …and on….and so on…..BYE

Thanks So Much!

Hey guys. Just want to thank you so much for going on my website alot. I really appreciate it. Dont be shy. Please comment if you have any questions you wanna ask me. Or if you wnat to ask me a question that you dont want any one else to see, inbox me on my email. If you dont know my email, go to the contact me page and see my email. Gotta go now. Talk To You Later Guys. BYEEE!!!


So, if you visit my website often, you will probably notice that I haven’t made any tutorial videos lately. Well, that’s because I haven’t had the time because I have school and all these tests that I gotta study for. Anyways I’ll be making tutorial videos soon. Just because I’m not making any tutorial videos, that doesn’t mean u shouldn’t visit my website often. But, remember, just like I said, I’m gonna put a lot of pretty pics.


So lately I’ve been seeing that you guys haven’t requested anything for me to do or show you. Don’t be shy please. I want to hear more from you. Ask me any type of questions or requests you want. I even told you I will answer it ASAP! And if I don’t, go on the contact me page and you will see my email. So you can send me messages to my email because I might answer them faster.

Please Follow!

Hey guys. I want to let you know that I saw only one person following my site. I want to see you guys following my blog because you will know when I put up something new and you will be able to see what it is. So please follow

Last Couple Of Days…

So, the for the last couple of days, I’ve been posting some pictures in the Picture category. If you haven’t seen them yet, go check em’ out. Anyways, back to my story, I hope you guys enjoyed it. I’m telling you in advance; I’m going to put more pics. I’m also telling you in advance that I don’t think I’m gonna be posting alot of tutorials. So that was all for today. Keep in touch.

Different Types Of Lipsticks And Lipglosses!

Here are some different types of lipsticks and lipglosses:



-5 different colors of lipsticks related with the color red






-5 different loreal lipglosses





– 5 different lipstick colors that are related with rosy red


Thank You!!

Since I just created this blog, I would like to thank gargi Sharma for liking one of my post. She is the first one to like one of my posts. By the end of the month, I would like to see alot of people liking, questioning, and commenting on my posts and etc. Remember how I told you if I don’t answer you can contact me on my email, yah so please do. Kk thanks guys. Ttyl.

So You Probably Saw The Pics!!

So, I was wondering, if you guys saw the pictures that I put. I put different styles of eyeshadow and eyeshadow palettes. I will put different types of lipstick and lipgloss designs. I’ll also put different kinds of lipgloss and lipsticks.